[Altera][TSR] set_clock_groups


[Altera][TSR] set_clock_groups


set_clock_groups [-asynchronous] [-exclusive] -group <names>


Specify mutually exclusive clocks (same as the -exclusive option). Exists for compatibility.
Specify mutually exclusive clocks
Valid destinations (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)


"Clock groups"は,どのclockが関連しないかを指定するのに早くて便利な方法を提供します.Clock groups provide a quick and convenient way to specify which clocks are not related.



TimeQuestは,まるでそれらが同じであるかのように,どちらのオプションも扱います("-exclusive" , "-asynchronous").




project_open top
create_clock -period 10.000 -name clkA [get_ports sysclk[0]]
create_clock -period 10.000 -name clkB [get_ports sysclk[1]]

# Set clkA and clkB to be mutually exclusive clocks.
set_clock_groups -exclusive -group {clkA} -group {clkB}

# The previous line is equivalent to the following two commands.
set_false_path -from [get_clocks clkA] -to [get_clocks clkB]
set_false_path -from [get_clocks clkB] -to [get_clocks clkA]

*1 : テキトウ.例文で把握されたし.



[QuartusII][NiosII] 評価ボードでぶちあたる壁



で,SOPC Builderで新規に作った構成を記しておきます.評価キットのsampleを持ってきたわけではないので,大量にWarningが出てきます.サンプルですら出てきますが...



Active Serial/Active Parallelをenableにした場合,そのピンが使用されているような警告画でます.コレを回避するためには,QuartusIIのデバイス設定をいじくると良いようです.
図の例はActive Parallelの例です.config後の端子をどうするかを選択できます.ユーザ定義のIOとして使う場合は,図のように"Use as regular I/O"とすればOKです.


Processing windowのWarningについて(Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis)

Warning: Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND
  Warning (13410): Pin "flash_reset_n" is stuck at VCC
  Warning (13410): Pin "sram_flash_a[0]" is stuck at GND
 CAUSE: The output pins are minimized to either VCC or GND in a design file. This condition may be the result of the optimization process performed during logic synthesis.
 ACTION: If you intend the output pins to behave in this manner, no action is required. Otherwise, check the design file for errors and ensure that the project's logic does not reduce to VCC or GND.


Warning: Feature Virtual IO is not available with your current license

Virtual I/O宣言を処理するためのライセンスがない.グループ開発で有用なものだったはず.無償評価版では使えない.合成結果で,ピン配置が異様でなければOKとする.

Processing windowのWarningについて(Quartus II Fitter)

Warning: Feature LogicLock is not available with your current license


Warning: Some pins have incomplete I/O assignments. Refer to the I/O Assignment Warnings report for details
 CAUSE: There are one or more pins with incomplete I/O assignments. The I/O Assignment Warnings report section in the Fitter compilation report lists the affected pins and the missing I/O assignments.
 ACTION: Use the Assignment Editor or the Pin Planner to add the missing I/O assignments to the affected pins.


Warning: No exact pin location assignment(s) for 1 pins of 82 total pins
  Info: Pin sram_flash_a[0] not assigned to an exact location on the device


Warning: At least one of the filters had some problems and could not be matched.
	Warning: *the*clock*|unxmaster*donex*|*data* could not be matched with a pin.
Warning: Ignored assignment: set_false_path -from [get_registers *] -to [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|unxmaster*donex*|*data*}]
	Warning: Argument -to with value [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|unxmaster*donex*|*data*}] contains zero elements
Warning: At least one of the filters had some problems and could not be matched.
	Warning: *the*clock*|unxslave*requestx*|*data* could not be matched with a pin.
Warning: Ignored assignment: set_false_path -from [get_registers *] -to [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|unxslave*requestx*|*data*}]
	Warning: Argument -to with value [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|unxslave*requestx*|*data*}] contains zero elements
Warning: At least one of the filters had some problems and could not be matched.
	Warning: *the*clock*|slave_address*|* could not be matched with a pin.
Warning: Ignored assignment: set_false_path -from [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|slave_address*|*}] -to [get_registers *]
	Warning: Argument -from with value [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|slave_address*|*}] contains zero elements
Warning: At least one of the filters had some problems and could not be matched.
	Warning: *the*clock*|slave_byteenable*|* could not be matched with a pin.
Warning: Ignored assignment: set_false_path -from [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|slave_byteenable*|*}] -to [get_registers *]
	Warning: Argument -from with value [get_pins -nocase -compatibility_mode {*the*clock*|slave_byteenable*|*}] contains zero elements
Warning: The master clock for this clock assignment could not be derived.  Clock: altera_internal_jtag|tckutap was not created.
	Warning: No clocks found on or feeding the specified source node: altera_internal_jtag|tck
Warning: Node: altera_reserved_tck was determined to be a clock but was found without an associated clock assignment.
Warning: The following clock transfers have no clock uncertainty assignment
	Warning: From Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Rise) to Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Rise) (setup and hold)
	Warning: From Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Fall) to Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Rise) (setup and hold)
	Warning: From Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[2] (Rise) to Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Rise) (setup and hold)
	Warning: From Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Rise) to Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Fall) (setup and hold)
	Warning: From Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[1] (Rise) to Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[1] (Rise) (setup and hold)
	Warning: From Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0] (Rise) to Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[2] (Rise) (setup and hold)
	Warning: From osc_clk (Rise) to osc_clk (Rise) (setup and hold)
Warning: Ignored I/O standard assignments to the following nodes
Warning: Ignored locations or region assignments to the following nodes


 The total number of single-ended output or bi-directional pins in Bank 8 exceeded the recommended amount in a bank where dedicated LVDS, RSDS or mini-LVDS outputs exists.
 Such condition may result in excessive output jitter on the differential outputs at condition where all the single-ended outputs are switching simultaneously.
 Refer to the Pad Placement and DC Guidelines section in the Cyclone III Device I/O Features chapter of the Cyclone III Device Handbook for details on this condition.
	Info: There are 28 output pin(s) with I/O standard 2.5 V and current strength 8mA.
		Info: Location E10 (pad PAD_213) : Pin sram_flash_a[16] of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location C9 (pad PAD_214) : Pin sram_flash_a[17] of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location D9 (pad PAD_215) : Pin sram_flash_a[18] of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location A8 (pad PAD_218) : Pin sram_flash_d[2] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location B8 (pad PAD_219) : Pin sram_flash_d[3] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location A7 (pad PAD_220) : Pin sram_flash_a[19] of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location B7 (pad PAD_221) : Pin sram_flash_d[4] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location A6 (pad PAD_222) : Pin sram_flash_a[20] of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location B6 (pad PAD_223) : Pin sram_flash_d[15] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location C7 (pad PAD_224) : Pin sram_flash_d[31] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location A5 (pad PAD_225) : Pin sram_flash_d[14] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location B5 (pad PAD_226) : Pin sram_flash_d[13] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location C5 (pad PAD_227) : Pin sram_flash_d[5] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location D7 (pad PAD_228) : Pin sram_flash_d[27] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location F9 (pad PAD_230) : Pin sram_ce_n of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location E8 (pad PAD_231) : Pin sram_flash_d[6] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location A4 (pad PAD_232) : Pin sram_flash_d[7] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location B4 (pad PAD_233) : Pin sram_flash_d[8] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location E7 (pad PAD_234) : Pin sram_flash_d[9] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location F8 (pad PAD_235) : Pin sram_flash_d[26] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location A3 (pad PAD_236) : Pin sram_flash_d[10] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location B3 (pad PAD_237) : Pin sram_flash_d[11] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location E6 (pad PAD_238) : Pin sram_flash_d[29] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location F7 (pad PAD_239) : Pin sram_adsc_n of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location F6 (pad PAD_241) : Pin sram_flash_d[28] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location D5 (pad PAD_242) : Pin sram_flash_d[12] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location A2 (pad PAD_246) : Pin sram_clk of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard
		Info: Location G6 (pad PAD_247) : Pin sram_flash_d[30] of type bi-directional uses 2.5 V I/O standard
	Info: There are 1 output pin(s) with I/O standard 2.5 V and current strength 12mA.
		Info: Location E9 (pad PAD_216) : Pin sram_oe_n of type output uses 2.5 V I/O standard


Warning: Following 2 pins must use external clamping diodes.
	Info: Pin sram_flash_d[0] uses I/O standard 2.5 V at H3
	Info: Pin sram_flash_d[1] uses I/O standard 2.5 V at D1


Warning: Following 2 pins have nothing, GND, or VCC driving datain port -- changes to this connectivity may change fitting results
	Info: Pin flash_reset_n has VCC driving its datain port
	Info: Pin sram_flash_a[0] has GND driving its datain port
 CAUSE: The specified pins either have nothing, GND, or VCC driving the datain port.
        If you modify this setting, additional pin placement restrictions such as simultaneously switching outputs may be necessary and may lead to a change in the fitting results.
 ACTION: If you do not intend to connect these pins, no action is required. Otherwise, modify the design to reflect the required connectivity.


*1 : Pin Plannerで,pinが未定義だと色が変わるようになっていますので,事前チェックはできるでしょう.

Warningについて(Quartus II Assembler)

Warning: Can't convert time-limited SOF into POF, HEX File, TTF, or RBF


TimeQuest Timing Analyzerの吐くmessageについて

Warning: At least one of the filters had some problems and could not be matched.
 Warning: *|the_pll_0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[1] could not be matched with a clock.
 CAUSE: At least one of the filters cannot be matched with an element.
 ACTION: Change the filter to match with at least one element.

false_path設定のところで,パターンマッチングに失敗した旨の表示.これは自分で作った制約ファイルでの話しなので,修正は必要.PLL出力をパターンマッチングで抽出し,clock domain境界でタイミングチェックを行わないようにするため.


Critical Warning: Timing requirements not met

Info: Path #1: Hold slack is -2.284 (VIOLATED)
  Info: ===================================================================
  Info: From Node    : sram_flash_d[5]
  Info: To Node      : Nios2_NoDDR:Nios2_NoDDR_inst|pipeline_bridge_m1_arbitrator:the_pipeline_bridge_m1|dbs_latent_16_reg_segment_0[5]
  Info: Launch Clock : Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[2]
  Info: Latch Clock  : Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pll0|the_pll|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0]
  Info: Multicycle - Setup End   : 2
  Info: Data Arrival Path:
  Info: Total (ns)  Incr (ns)     Type  Element
  Info: ==========  ========= ==  ====  ===================================
  Info:      0.000      0.000           launch edge time
  Info:      1.058      1.058  R        clock network delay
  Info:      5.158      4.100  R  iExt  sram_flash_d[5]
  Info:      5.158      0.000 RR    IC  sram_flash_d[5]~input|i
  Info:      5.520      0.362 RR  CELL  sram_flash_d[5]~input|o
  Info:      7.631      2.111 RR    IC  Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pipeline_bridge_m1|dbs_latent_16_reg_segment_0[5]~feeder|datab
  Info:      7.785      0.154 RR  CELL  Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pipeline_bridge_m1|dbs_latent_16_reg_segment_0[5]~feeder|combout
  Info:      7.785      0.000 RR    IC  Nios2_NoDDR_inst|the_pipeline_bridge_m1|dbs_latent_16_reg_segment_0[5]|d
  Info:      7.816      0.031 RR  CELL  Nios2_NoDDR:Nios2_NoDDR_inst|pipeline_bridge_m1_arbitrator:the_pipeline_bridge_m1|dbs_latent_16_reg_segment_0[5]
  Info: Data Required Path:
  Info: Total (ns)  Incr (ns)     Type  Element
  Info: ==========  ========= ==  ====  ===================================
  Info:     10.000     10.000           latch edge time
  Info:     10.169      0.169  R        clock network delay
  Info:     10.253      0.084      uTh  Nios2_NoDDR:Nios2_NoDDR_inst|pipeline_bridge_m1_arbitrator:the_pipeline_bridge_m1|dbs_latent_16_reg_segment_0[5]
  Info: Data Arrival Time  :     7.816
  Info: Data Required Time :    10.253
  Info: Clock Pessimism    :     0.153
  Info: Slack              :    -2.284 (VIOLATED)
  Info: ===================================================================

図を描けば確認できるかと思いますが,Hold timeのslackを救おうとしても,Setupとの兼ね合いもあるので,単純には解決できない模様です.

ここで注目すべきはSSRAM CLKです.
少し端折りますが,位相をずらして対策をいれたときの,TimeQuest Timing Analyzerを使って図示させます.


SSRAM CLKを2.5nSec早めることでHold Timeを稼ぐことができました.synthesisをやり直しているので,全く同じ回路でPLL遅延だけが変化したのかはわかりかねますが,Timing Errorを回避させました.
とはいえ,今回はLaunch ClockとLatch Clockとが異なっていたのでできた回避作ですね.


[Altera][TSR] set_input_delay


[Altera][TSR] set_input_delay


set_input_delay [-add_delay] -clock <name> [-clock_fall] [-fall] [-max] [-min] [-reference_pin <name>] [-rise] [-source_latency_included] <delay> <targets>


Add to existing delays instead of overriding them
Clock name
Specifies that input delay is relative to the falling edge of the clock
Specifies the falling input delay at the port
Applies value as maximum data arrival time
Applies value as minimum data arrival time
Specifies a port in the design to which the input delay is relative
Specifies the rising input delay at the port
Specifies that input delay includes added source latency
Time value
List of input port type objects


"clock"は,デザイン内のclock nameを参照する必要があります.




▼データ・パスが入力ポートから内部レジスタの場合 ~ ホールド・スラック時間

  クロックのセットアップ・スラック時間  =   データ所要時間  -  データ到着時間

  データ所要時間  =  ラッチ・エッヂ + ディスティネーション・レジスタまでのクロック・ネットワーク遅延  -  μtSU
  データ到着時間  =  ラウンチ・エッヂ + ソース・レジスタまでのクロック・ネットワーク遅延 + ピンの最大入力遅延 + ピンからレジスタまでの遅延

基準に対して早い・遅いでinput delayを定義すると良いだろう.

最大入力遅延(オプション"-max")は,クロックセットアップやリカバリチェックに使われます.また,最小入力遅延(オプション"-min")は,クロックホールドやremoval checksに使われます.もし,与えられたポートに対して,"-min"または"-max"のいずれか一方のみ指定もしくは,どちらも指定がない場合には,同じ値が双方に使われます.




ターゲット"value"は,特定の型のコレクションを生成するのに使うwildcardのTcl list,または,TimeQuestextension置換規約(TimeQuestextension substitution rules)が必要です.


# Simple input delay with the same value for min/max and rise/fall:
# 1) set on ports with names of the form myin*
set_input_delay -clock clk 1.5 [get_ports myin*]

# 2) set on all input ports
set_input_delay -clock clk 1.5 [all_inputs]

# Input delay with respect to the falling edge of clock
set_input_delay -clock clk -clock_fall 1.5 [get_ports myin*]

# Input delays for different min/max and rise/fall combinations
set_input_delay -clock clk -max -rise 1.4 [get_ports myin*]
set_input_delay -clock clk -max -fall 1.5 [get_ports myin*]
set_input_delay -clock clk -min -rise 0.7 [get_ports myin*]
set_input_delay -clock clk -min -fall 0.8 [get_ports myin*]

# Adding multiple input delays with respect to more than one clock
set_input_delay -clock clkA -min 1.2 [get_ports myin*]
set_input_delay -clock clkA -max 1.8 [get_ports myin*]
set_input_delay -clock clkA -clock_fall 1.6 [get_ports myin*] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock clkB -min 2.1 [get_ports myin*] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock clkB -max 2.5 [get_ports myin*] -add_delay

# Specifying an input delay relative to an external clock output port
set_input_delay -clock clk -reference_pin [get_ports clkout] 0.8 [get_ports myin*]

*1 : 訳注:TimeQuestのreportでType:generatedと表示されている,PLLにより生成されたclockかな?


"hc_h51025_j.pdf" 6. HardCopy II デバイスのためのスクリプト・ベースのデザイン

チップ外部のソースから入力ピンまでの遅延を,定義済みのクロックを基準にして指定するのに使用されます. 引数は、遅延の基準クロックを指定します.引数は、デザインのトップレベルの入力信号であり、 は外部遅延です.外部遅延は、-clock_fall 引数が指定されていない場合、 の正(立ち上がり)エッヂから測定されます.

  • min 引数と-max引数は、 がそれぞれ最小外部遅延または最大外部遅延かどうかを指定するのに使用されます.



ここを見て解決.このコンテンツのコメントは古いままですが,認識が間違ってました.基準をsource - destinationの間にとるような絵を考えていました...


[Altera][TSR] set_multicycle_path


[Altera][TSR] set_multicycle_path


set_multicycle_path [-end] [-fall_from <names>] [-fall_to <names>] [-from <names>] [-hold] [-rise_from <names>] [-rise_to <names>] [-setup] [-start] [-through <names>] [-to <names>] <value>


Specifies that the multicycle is relative to the destination clock waveform (default)
Valid source clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid destination clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid sources (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Specifies that the multicycle value applies to clock hold or removal checks
Valid source clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid destination clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Specifies that the multicycle value applies to clock setup or recovery checks (default)
Specifies that the multicycle is relative to the source clock waveform
Valid through nodes (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid destinations (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Number of clock cycles


与えられたpath(given path)のセットのために,multicycle例外を指定します.Multicyclesは,ソースclock("-start")またはデスティネーションclock("-end")によって,指定することができます.これは,ソースclockとデスティネーションclockとが,異なる周波数で動いているときに有用です.例えば,ソースclockがデスティネーションclockよりも2倍早い(半分の周期)であった場合,"-start multicycle"には2が要求されます.

Hold multicycle("-hold")は,setup multicycle("-setup")に対して(relative to)計算されます.hold multicycleの値は,デフォルトのhold multicycle から除外するクロックエッヂ数を再定義します.デフォルトhold multicycle はゼロです.

"-from"と"-to"の値は,デザイン内のclock・register・port・pin・cellのコレクションです."-from"または"-to"の値が指定されない場合,コレクションは自動的に"[get_keepers *]"に変換されます.

指定されないコレクションの片方が,クロックのコレクションである場合,クロックコレクションとして明示的に,この(省略された)コレクションを指定することは,より効果的であることに注意するべきです..(しかし,クロックのコレクションもまた,希望した設定を生成するのみであれば.)clock間で例外を適用することは,"-from clock"で駆動される全てのレジスタまたはポートから,"-to clock"で駆動される全てのレジスタまたはポートへの例外を適用します.

また,clockペア間で例外を適用することは,ノードからノードや,ノードからclock pathへ適用するより,より効果的です.

pin名やコレクションが使われた場合,"-from"の値はclock pin,かつ,"-to"の値はclockを除くレジスタへの入力pinでなければなりません."from clock pins"または"to and from cells"指定は,その"clock pin"で駆動される全てのレジスタか,cell内の全てのレジスタに適用されます.


"-rise_from"と"-fall_from"オプションは,"-from destination nodes"の代わりに使用できる.オプションの"rise"値または"fall"値は,"from"nodeが,clock path上で,どのような論理否定も考慮されたこのノードに入るクロックの立上りまたは立下りエッヂで駆動されることを示します.(clock入力端におけるエッヂを指定する,ということかな.clock出力端から見た値ではない,ということで.)"-from"オプションは,"from"ノードの,立上がりと立下りの組み合わせです.もし,"from"コレクションがclockコレクションの場合,その指定はクロックエッヂの立ち上りまたは立下りによって駆動される,それぞれのnodeに適用されます.

"-rise_to" と"-fall_to"オプションは,前述の"from"オプションと同様の振る舞いをします.これらの指定は,どんなclock pathに沿った論理否定も考慮に入れた"rise"値または"fall"値に関係したnodeやclockへの与えられた指定のみを制限します.

"-from","-to","-throughおよび似たようなオプションは,コレクションでも,特定の型のコレクションを作るためのワイルドカードのTcl listでもよい.使われた値は,標準のTclまたは,"TimeQuest-extension"置換規則が続かなければならない.



create_clock -period 10.000 -name CLK [get_ports clk]
create_generated_clock -divide_by 2 -source [get_ports clk] -name CLKDIV2 [get_registers clkdiv]

# Apply a source multicycle of 2 with a hold multicycle of 1 for all
# paths from the CLK domain to the CLKDIV2 domain.
set_multicycle_path -start -setup -from [get_clocks CLK] -to [get_clocks CLKDIV2] 2
set_multicycle_path -start -hold -from [get_clocks CLK] -to [get_clocks CLKDIV2] 1

# Apply a multicycle constraint of 3 (with a default hold multicycle of
# 0) for a
# specific path in the design.
set_multicycle_path -end -setup -from [get_pins rega|clk] -to [get_pins regb|*] 3

# Apply a multicycle constraint of 2 to a given cell, except for the
# reset pin.
set_multicycle_path -end -setup -to [get_cells regb] 2
set_multicycle_path -end -setup -to [get_pins regb|aclr] 1

#Apply a multicycle constraint of 3 rising from a clock and falling to a
# node
set_multicycle_path -end -setup -rise_from [get_clocks CLK] -fall_to [get_pins regb|datab] 3


ホーム > サポート > デザイン・ソフトウェア > TimeQuestタイミングアナライザ > タイミング例外 > TimeQuest set_multicycle_path コマンド



[Altera][TSR] set_false_path


[Altera][TSR] set_false_path


set_false_path [-fall_from <names>] [-fall_to <names>] [-from <names>] [-hold] [-rise_from <names>] [-rise_to <names>] [-setup] [-through <names>] [-to <names>]


Valid source clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid destination clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid sources (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Specifies the false_path value (applies only to clock hold or removal checks)
Valid source clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid destination clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Specifies the false_path value (applies only to clock setup or recovery checks)
Valid through nodes (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)
Valid destinations (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)


"-from"と"-to"の値が指定されないならば,コレクションは自動的に"[get_keepers *]"と変換されます.


It is worth noting that
 if the counterpart of the unspecified collection  is a clock collection,
   it is more efficient to explicitly specify this collection as a clock collection only if the clock collection also generates the desired assignment.

clock例外を適用すると,例外は全ての"-from clock"で与えられたportもしくはレジスタから,全ての"-to clock"で与えられたportもしくはレジスタに適用されます.

pin名かコレクションが使われる場合,"-from"値はclock pinで,かつ,"-to"値はレジスタへのclock以外の入力pinである必要があります."clock pins"からの代入か,"cells"から|への代入は,(cell内または"clock pin"に駆動される)全てのレジスタに適用されます.*1



"-rise_from"オプション と "-fall_from"オプションは,"-from destination nodes"の代わりに使えます.このオプションの"rise"か"fall"は,clock pathに沿ったどんな論理否定(inverse)も考慮にいれて,"from" nodeが,このnodeに入るclockの立上がりか立下りで駆動されることを示します.


"-rise_to" と "-fall_to"は,前述の"from"オプションと同じようにふるまいます..これらの指定は,clock pathに沿ったどんな論理否定(inverse)も考慮にいれて,指定された"rise"/"fall"値に相当したclockかnodeにのみ,与えられた指定を,制限します.

"-setup"オプションと"-hold"オプションは,"setup/recovery"チェックか"hold/removal"チェックに相当することを適用されるだけために,"false path"を許容します.デフォルト(どちらの値も指定されない場合)は,"false path"に"-setup"/"-hold"の両方を適用します.

"-from"・"-to"・"-through"の値や,他の似たようなオプションは,コレクションか,特定の型のコレクションを生成するのに使うwildcardのTcl list,または,TimeQuestextension置換規約*2が必要です.


# Set a false-path between two unrelated clocks
# See also set_clock_groups
set_false_path -from [get_clocks clkA] -to [get_clocks clkB]

# Set a false-path for a specific path
set_false_path -from [get_pins regA|clk] -to [get_pins regB|aclr]

# Set a false-path from a node to a falling clock
set_false_path -from [get_pins regA|clk] -fall_to [get_clocks clkB]

*1 : 原文(文節があってるか怪しい):Assignments from clock pins or to and from cells applies to all registers in the cell or driven by the clock pin.

*2 : TimeQuestextension substitution rules




タイミング最適化または解析に含めることができないパスを記述する場合に使用されます。クラシック・タイミング・アナライザでは、フォルス・パスを制御する最も一般的なコマンドは、set_timing_cut_assignment コマンドです。

